
Call of duty 4 modern warfare pc torrent
Call of duty 4 modern warfare pc torrent

call of duty 4 modern warfare pc torrent

ISO image size with only English audio language: 5424MB (5.30GB) RAR parts: 1000MB (interchangeable/compatible) It is originally released on PC, Mac, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and Wii, with a version also for Nintendo DS, and later receives a remake on Xbox One and PlayStation 4 with the name “Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare Remastered”. It is one of the best rated games in the series.

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    Featuring staggering cutting edge designs, players will be brought into the true to life force of Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare.50 type sharpshooter rifles, and M-249 SAW assault rifles. Including an accessible arsenal of in excess of 70 new and valid weapons and stuff from attack rifles with laser destinations, claymore mines.Call of Duty 4: Modern warfare Key Features: The epic title additionally conveys an additional profundity of multiplayer activity giving on the web fans an all-new network of determination, addictive and adjustable interactivity.

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    Call of duty 4 modern warfare pc torrent